The word "church" tends to bring up the idea of legalism, rules, do's and don'ts, suits and dresses, and fake people. But that isn't "church" -- that is religion. The Church is not a building; it is the people who genuinely follow Jesus. We are the church. We are broken, hurting, mistake-making, fall-down-and-get-up-again people who are trying to follow Jesus because we have come to realize that without His help life is just too hard.
Our service is relaxed, so jeans are fine, sweats are fine, a suit is even ok. We have people who will greet you at the door and they can answer your "where do I find" questions. We start with singing and prayer and you might see people lifting their hands, closing their eyes, or even kneeling. That's ok - everyone worships God a bit differently. We have time for some announcements and an offering and then we hear a message from our Pastor. Our whole service is usually over by noon, but being relaxed means that we can go longer if the Spirit of God leads that way.
We want our kids (even the big ones) to have a safe and enjoyable time in their worship of God. So, we have Sunday School for all ages from 9:30 until 10:15, we have a Nursery and Family Room available during the service, and during the message portion of the service our kids head off to Children's Church unless the service is geared to them staying.
We have parking in our parking lot to the west of our building, along Broadway, and beside the church on 2nd Ave.
Our service is relaxed, so jeans are fine, sweats are fine, a suit is even ok.
Our hope is that you feel welcome enough to ask that question! From there, we are always looking for people to get involved and we have lots of areas for you to get involved. From shoveling snow to media and tech, from kitchen help to teaching, from Youth to ladies and men's groups, we have things taking place. Check out our Ministries page for more information.